I Got Heat for the Beef Shit Im Not Throwing Hands

  1. #1

    forgot to put steak in fridge

    Hey there. Yesterday evening I bought a steak to eat today evening but I left it in the bag and noticed it just now. Can I still eat it if it's been out of the fridge for 13 hours? I've put it back in now

  2. #2

    was it in a vacuum sealed pack? If so yes, if no ... not sure. I wouldn't.

  3. #3

    Unless you left it in the sun with lot of heat and flies everywhere, it's probably good, just cook it well.

  4. #4

    Okay thank you thank god i'd feel bad throwing a €12 steak away.

  5. #5

    Yeah I would go ahead and throw that out-

    After the 2 hour mark bacteria starts to get a firm grip on your food(meat especially and rice)

    4 hour mark it is considered unfit to serve in a restaurant

    8 hour mark the bacteria generally has at least tripled to cover the entire meat

    13 hours... I am surprised it is not walking its way out of your kitchen

  6. #6

    Aigilas is offline

    Stood in the Fire

    take a pass man, it ain't worth the chance, generally it's straight downhill only exception to where you left it out is if it's in a cold climate, keeps better, if it's 20+ degrees (Celsius) just chuck it

  7. #7

    Dispraise is offline

    Legendary! Dispraise's Avatar

    Depends. By now it is very thoroughly infested with bacteria. Even with very thorough cooking, you may still get sick.

    If you're adamant on eating it, I would say freeze it beforehand.

  8. #8

    Lareeyon is offline

    High Overlord

    My traditional family from another country usually thaws its meat right outside on the counter. They do put it in water and completely burn it through when cooking. Since you'll be making steak, im assuming you;ll be keeping a part of it rare, so throw it out just to be safe. Otherwise cook it well done, even if its still in the SEALED package it came in.

  9. #9

    Kethmil is offline

    High Overlord

    Happens absolutely nothing if you eat it.

    Just wash it with water a bit on the outside if its gotten slimy.

    Best beef meat is left to half rot before cooking, it gets tasty and softer. Just give it a strong heat on the outside just in case. Bacteria wont get inside the meat unless you've left it a long time on the sun.

  10. #10

    drwelfare is offline

    The Lightbringer

    You spent the money so you got to eat it, regardless.

    Worst that can happen is you blowout, maybe hurl

  11. #11

    These guys have no clue. The steak meat (cow/beef) won't suffer from 13 hours outside the fridge. Just make sure you sear the outside and you can eat it medium rare no problem.

  12. #12

    Wilian is online now

    Titan Wilian's Avatar

    If it didn't smell funny I'd eat it. Done so multiple times with all various sorts of food without ill effect.

    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

  13. #13

    Nyoken is offline

    Brewmaster Nyoken's Avatar

    Yes you can eat it, just cook it.

  14. #14

    Noradin is offline


    Wash it (wash your hands afterwards) and do not let it touch other food and tools you do not intend cook or clean afterwards, then make sure to sear it on the outside and it should be good to go. Meat is actually pretty save in that regard, much moreso than anything from plants and dairy.

  15. #15

    Independent voter is offline

    The Undying Independent voter's Avatar

    A lot of the older people in my family had ways of determining if food had gone bad. They'd both sniff it, a married couple and discuss the results of the sniff test. Then they would declare if it was a pass or fail.

    I think beef is okay, the meat packers work to keep the really nasty bacteria out of the meat. Worst that will happen is that you'll cook it and get that slight taste of tainted meat. Chicken on the other hand is dangerous.


    "This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can."

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  16. #16

    Usagi Senshi is offline

    I am Murloc! Usagi Senshi's Avatar

    So many sissies, gosh! Cook that shit and eat it, I've done far worse and this will not hurt you at all. Open package though, yeah toss it.

    I usually leave my pepper steak on the stove for 5-10 hours and go back and get a bowl (poured over leftover rice) for seconds. Same with pizza, even in hot weather. I cannot stand leftover refrigerated pizza, it tastes nasty to me. SO I'll go back 5-10+ hours later for leftovers.

    Last time I got food poisoning was 2003 from rotten pork wantons from a chinese restaurant in Flint.

    Tikki tikki tembo, Usagi no Yojimbo, chari bari ruchi pip peri pembo!

  17. #17

    Few people in here seem very germophobic lol.

    It's fairly simple. Wash the exterior to ensure there is nothing slimy growing, then sear the outside. (very simple.. turn the heat right the way up, then once pan top temp throw that bad boy in)

    If you are still unsure at that point, go for the "well done" (aka burnt) steak mode.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbotef View Post

    Last time I got food poisoning was 2003 from rotten pork wantons from a chinese restaurant in Flint.

    of all the meat that will likely get you, it will be bad pork or bad chicken.

  18. #18

    brimdog is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral brimdog's Avatar

    trust your nose, if it smells bad then don't eat it

  19. #19

    Donald Hellscream is offline

    Elemental Lord Donald Hellscream's Avatar

    Unless it is pork or chicken I wouldn't be too worried as most of the bacteria gets roflstomped by our stomach acid.
    Last edited by Donald Hellscream; 2015-05-17 at 12:38 PM.

  20. #20

    Quote Originally Posted by Simulatio View Post

    Depends. By now it is very thoroughly infested with bacteria. Even with very thorough cooking, you may still get sick.

    If you're adamant on eating it, I would say freeze it beforehand.

    Freezing isn't going to do anything but stop the bacteria from growing, then when you defrost it again, they'll just continue where it had left off.

    To op, I left chicken out overnight countless of times, I'm still alive and kicking. I also always let meat defrost outside of the fridge, people say it can be bad but so far for 10 years + it hasn't been.


Source: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1783118-forgot-to-put-steak-in-fridge

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